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Your customers are looking for you on the web... will they find you?

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Phone:0345 557 0300
Fax:0709 237 9115
PHD Interactive Ltd
Monomark House
27 Old Gloucester Street
London WC1N 3XX

Some Background

WebVilla is a division of PHD Interactive Ltd, a private limited company no.4402212, which has been in business since March 2002 after a period of research and development which began in June 1999. The managing director is Philip Hulme. From day one a key feature of the technology which PHD Interactive brought to the market was low cost customer content management, which in 2002 was both extremely rare and high cost, as open source solutions such as WordPress had yet to be launched. After a period of piloting this technology, PHD Interactive made an early decision to establish separate divisions to better focus on customer needs and now specialising in a small number of sectors. Apart from WebVilla, other key sectors are WebHealer, WebStall and Motor-Web (of which WebHealer is the largest) and you can also look at some of our charitable activities on the WebHealer Blog. For more information on websites for other sectors not supported by WebVilla, see our other sectors page.

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